*Research the craft fair in advance. Find out what the typical customers are like (age, social/economic sphere, gender) so you can better choose the art you can sell there.
*Calculate your costs in advance. If the fair is large, if you need to travel to a different city, etc.
*Share a booth with other artists. A great money-saving strategy,and also a good way to share customers.

*Don't go it alone. Shows can be exhausting. That's why it's important to bring along someone to help you work the booth and deal with customers. This will also give you a chance to get up and go to the bathroom or to eat.
*Be creative. "Try putting a fishbowl on your table and offering people a chance to win a piece of artwork in return for giving you their contact information or business cards. Giving away promotional items with your company's name and logo works, too."
* All merchandise clearly priced (best done, before the show)
* Any product information signs necessary
* Boxes for purchases
* Customer bags
* Extra price tags
* Hang tags & care instructions
* Inventory list/prices
* String
* Tissue or newspaper for fragile items

* Clipboard and writing pad or notebook
* Paper clips
* Paper or index cards
* Paper weight
* Pens and pencils - red one for mark downs
* Push pins & extra tacks
* Rubber bands
* Safety and/or straight pins
* Scissors
* Stapler and staples
* Tape - scotch, masking, duct, packing
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