This week, I would like to introduce you to the lovely
Monica Ann Bernadette and her beautiful work.
When did you start crafting?I can't remember starting to craft. But I can remember the endless projects I had in my room with glue, dixie cups, and kabob sticks as a very small child. By 5th grade I was selling hemp necklaces to my entire 5th grade class. I would have just given them away instead of selling them, but my parents made me start funding this expensive hobby, so I had no choice. That was shut down shortly after it began though, apparently the administrators didn't think elementary school was an appropriate place for business.
What was your motivation?As a child my art was my entertainment. In college it became a way to decompress and take my mind of school. Now as an adult, it has been the motivation to love waking up for work in the morning.
Which one of your designs makes you feel prouder of yourself?The Philanthropy Ring (
http://www.etsy.com/listing/48598603/philanthropy-ring-handmade-5-dollars ). I have a bachelor's degree in Finance. I studied this with the intention of working with developing countries, and I spent the greater part of 2010 in Nicaragua with a micro finance institution working with people in poverty and Kiva.org. Besides crafting and art, my passion lies in Latin America and philanthropy. I came back from Nicaragua inspired to put all my efforts into my crafts, but felt torn away from giving back. My philanthropy ring is the start to blending my two passions.
What kind of things inspires you?Lately, I can't get enough of colors. And the outdoors.
Do you have any favorite book, movie, comic, etc?Books:
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
A Primate's Memoir by Robert M. Sapolsky
Autobiographies are also fun to read, I love picturing them form the thoughts and write the words I see in front of me.
Movies:I like romantic comedies when I'm feeling positive about my relationship status, and horror films all the other times :)
Which one and why is it your favorite?I'll declare A Primate's Memoir as my favorite because I will bet you haven't read it. It is hilarious, and I love anything in life that can make me smile and laugh out loud (even when alone in public), whether it people, movies, or books. It's a pretty straight forward standard.Can I have two favorites? Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance reminded me that art is in everything we do, and to make something well is to really care about it, and to meditate in the process so it is of quality.
Is there a place you’ve visited that left a big impression in you?Managua, Nicaragua. I worked in a micro finance institution helping establish a strong connection between lenders, borrowers, institution staff, and kiva.org itself. Our clients were all Nicaraguans in poverty. Everyday was an eye opening and inspiring experience. My heart is still in that country.
Would you like to share any advice with your fellow artists?Never stop learning. Life is ever changing, so keep your mind active, your prejudices refutable, and your heart open. Those creative juices will just keep flowing.
Where can people find you? (Blog, twitter, Facebook...)Facebook: Ann Bernadette
Twitter: AnnBernadette

Thank you very much dear Monica!
Don´t forget to visit her lovely shop :)