For Swee, being a mother means "the BEST promotion in life ever!". For her, before motherhood, "life as a single was different, as I have a different view of commitment then and that meant my career. When I was expecting my child, it is a stage of new self finding in life, and there were much worries to come about. The main worry was how am I to raise my child, & will my child be born healthy?"
But once her baby was born, "I felt it was the happiest moment in my entire life (billion times better than having a career)! I decided to make mommie-hood my career. To raise my child as she is. Oh well, at every stage of her development, I worry about her to the very bone having every bit of her interests at heart. In time to come, I hope my way of raising her, will bring her to soar in every aspect of her life. At present, we are like the best of friends. I talk to her as though she is my friend, we do laugh, play, and fight at times (she is only 3 though) . It is going to be a loving & friendly (& strict in certain ways) upbringing. I know that as she grows, I will let her go bit by bit, and hope that whatever morals and values I teach her, will be brought along and passed on to her future. "
"... and my husband says we are like 2 kids playing together and fighting over a candy. :D"

For Petronella, "Peggy is the sweetest, loveliest, naughtiest "child" I ever had."
Peggy and Petronella share a beautiful bond: "she can look with those big brown eyes and tells you about everything she wants. She likes to play, sleep and eat the whole day; and all this in my company. When I am not there, she howls to make contact with me."

I hope to give my children a balanced upbringing which teaches them independence,confidence and happiness. And with that that they too will make people around them happy, like a ripple effect, spreading happiness far and wide."
Now my biggest worries are: how to protect then from others who try to harm them and schoolresults. Although I think being creative is also very important besides reading fast and maths... "
Some advice from her: "settle for less. Which may sound a bit strange but I am a perfectionist and I want to do everything right. That includes the upbringing of my children. Striving to obtain that goal sometimes makes me forget children are children. They are unpredictable and more importantly, they develop their own little character and soon enough, they themselves know exactly what they want and how they want it. And their way isn't necessarily wrong. On the contrary, it usually is way more interesting !!"

For Agnieszka, being a mother "it's an everyday chellenge. How do I manage to follow? How to persuade them to obey the rules and at the same time how to make them grow and bloom? One day it seems easy, the other I'm completly frustrated. But when I see how they make friends and how they are realy brave when I'm not around I think maybe it is possible to be a good mother."
Her recommendations for new mothers is "your time and your loving attention is what really matters. Have fun being with your little one."

Agnieszka, on a picture took by her son who loves taking pictures and making films. "Blurry, wild colors, lots of movement. But they do capture our every day life."
And few advices from her: "read up on pregnancy, childbirth and raising children so you'll be well informed about every stage. Try to plan ahead, but don't be disappointed if everything doesn't go according to plan, whether it's during childbirth or managing to breastfeed. Finally, relax and try to enjoy every minute, babies grow up at an incredibly fast rate and before you know it they're off to school!"
And here is a song dedicated to all the mothers in the world: Happy Mother´s Day!
Big, big thanks to all the wonderful ladies who have participated in the making of this post: Swee, Ina, Joanne, Inger, P8, Kim and Agnieszka. May your life and the life of your babies be full of happiness!
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