The delicate selection of every piece is what makes any event charming, different and special. Here I bring you today some "one of a kind " inspirations for a wonderful and very romantic wedding.
The headbands have always been a very good option for the bride or for the bridesmaids, giving them a soft and stylish look. These ones shown here come from helisengezer.
Another way to create a big impression between the wedding guests is wearing some of these gorgeous hair adornments. Classy, pretty and very romantic. The first one comes from jurgitahandmade, and the second one comes from StarOfTheEast.
Some other accessories are very essential too, like this lovely linen pouch from karuski or these earrings from LeelaBijou (my shop).
A shawl can give a very elegant and romantic essence, gently wrapping the bride or the bridesmaids. A very classic piece in every event. The wonderful ones shown here are from ingermaaike (first one) and vitalakim (second one).
And what about some sweet details? Like this amazing miniature of a delicious wedding cake, handmade by PetitPlat. Or this beautiful and inspiring card, designed by kohlcass.

There are some moments in our life we want to tresure forever and remember them in every detail. As Robert Updegraff said: "To get all there is out of living, we must employ our time wisely, never being in too much of a hurry to stop and sip life, but never losing our sense of the enormous value of a minute."
Thank you to all the extraordinary artists and artisans featured on this article.
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